
Posts Tagged ‘135’

Happy New Year!

December 31, 2010 Leave a comment

La multi ani tuturor! Va doresc un an mai vesel si plin de zambet si lumina buna!
Sa ne vedem cu bine la anul! 🙂

Si un citat care mie mi-a incalzit sufletul! Pe langa vin fiert cu scortisoara, mar si cozonac! 🙂

“Watch, listen, shoot every day, not everyday, look at the best work obsessively, give yourself time, realize you just ain’t got it when comparing your work to the very best, don’t get cynical, reinvestigate hallucinogens to expand your thinking (optional), take more photos (not optional), browse your archive and cringe, and (hopefully) smile that at least you’re not that bad anymore, thank god you didn’t submit any of those to HCSP, ponder what you’ll think of your current work in 12 months, see previous, rethink yourself 20 times before starting a thread on HCSP, kill your television, worship your gods then kill them, with reverence, get off your computer and go outside, take more photos, use less equipment, screw on your balls of steel, treat yourself to a cool bag that doesn’t look like a camera bag (as much), shoot some chromes on a 40-year-old rangefinder, look at some of the best 40-year-old photos taken on a rangefinder, smack your head and say holy **** they were good, take pictures, make glorious failures, take pictures, loosen the **** up, buy an ipod and listen to Tom Waits (vintage) while on the street, and realize that good street photography is ****ing Everest so lighten up, give yourself a break, celebrate good work, learn, learn, learn, shoot, shoot, shoot and most importantly, get the **** out the door.

At least that’s what I tell myself, and I have to commute.

Oh yeah, and smile. Always smile.”

– Tom Hyde